How to Reduce Vata Dosha with Food in Winter?

A Vata balancing diet is the key to maintaining good immunity in winter. The two key elements of a Vata-pacifying diet are warm and cooked food. For example, warm soups and stews, hot cereals, and warm beverages such as herb teas are ideal ...


An Ayurvedic Winter Foods List

Many people who intend to improve their immunity are not sure about what to eat in winter. To maintain a healthy diet in the winter season, it’s important to choose foods that are natural Ayurvedic immunity boosters. Im ...


How to Improve Immunity in the Winter Season?

Many people don’t like winter since they consider it to be a season of cold, flu, and other contagious diseases. So it’s often believed that winter decreases your immunity to a great extent. However, Ayurveda feels otherwise and believes winter to b ...


Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Respect Seasonal Rhythms If your skin is balanced, meaning you are not experiencing any specific issues like acne or eczema, Ayurveda advises following the protocol of seasonal rhythms. In the fall & winter, it is important to nourish the ski ...


Effective Ayurvedic Hair Care Tips

Ayurveda purses a more holistic approach, therefore one always finds few pointers when it comes to beautiful and groomed hair. This article has compiled with a list of hair care tips according to Ayurveda.  Today, the primary protective function ...

Ayunature Care Clinic

પ્રધાનમંત્રી મોદીએ શેયર કરેલ આ આયુર્વેદિક ઉપાય કોરોનાથી બચવામાં મદદગાર સાબિત થશે

વિશ્વભરના વૈજ્ઞાનિકો અને નિષ્ણાતો આખો દિવસ કોવિડ-૧૯ સામે રસી અથવા દવાઓ શોધવામાં રોકાયેલા છે. જ્યાં સુધી આ ખતરનાક વાયરસનો ઈલાજ ન મળે ત્યાં સુધી ત્યાં સુધી ડોકટરોએ કહ્યું છે કે બચાવ જ કોરોના વાયરસથી બચવાનો એકમાત્ર રસ્તો છે. ભારતના વડા પ્રધાન નરેન્દ્ર ...

Ayunature Care Clinic

6 Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Considered by many as the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda was developed by the sages of India as a wisdom designed to allow us to live to our full potential. The two main principles of Ayurveda are: the body and the mind are connected, and the min ...

Ayunature Care Clinic

તબિયત છે તો બધુ છે

મનોહર પારિકરજી, સુષ્માસ્વરાજ અને અરુણજેટલી... આ બધા પાસે પૈસા, પદ, કાબેલિયત બધુ જ હતું પણ વ્યસ્તતાને કારણે કદાચ હેલ્થ પર ધ્યાનના આપી શક્યા અને જીવ ગુમાવ્યો એમ કહી શકાય... જેટલીજી ખાવાના ખૂબ જ શોખીન હતા... જલેબી, સમોસા ફેવરિટ હતા અને નોનવેજ પણ પ્રિ ...

Best Weight Loss Foods

15 Best Weight Loss Foods

Behold the battle of the bulge! It’s estimated that nearly half of all Americans are trying to lose weight. With such a significant part of the population trying to eat healthily, it’s only wise to start by filling the cabinet with wholesome weight ...